While you are in residency, there are two main goals. First is exposing yourself to as much as possible in order to make you a better/more (most) prepared doctor, and building your resume. Second is starting to think about where you want to practice, and making the right moves (personally, professionally) to set yourself up for this. All of your education to this point (undergrad, post-grad, and now residency), has culminated to this point - securing a job. The APMA also provides resources for residents here.
My biggest piece of advice is to:
Some general advice includes:
While in residency, think what you want for future a job (just like being a student, thinking about residency choices). This means...
My biggest piece of advice is to:
Some general advice includes:
- Do well in residency. (Obviously)
- Be a good resident to your patients, co-residents, attendings.
- Get exposed.
- Rotations, conferences, etc.
- Office rotations – learn how to bill!! (Read: "Are Residencies Really Preparing Doctors for Practice?" Lowell Weil JR - Podiaty Today, May 4, 2016)
- Networking. (1st-3rd year)
- Be involved.
- You only get these 3 years once. Take advantage of everything offered.
- Societies, research, community service, etc.
- Pass boards. (Obviously, and a MUST*)
- Prepare for the job search.
- Learn more about yourself.
- Again, what is the end game? Has there been a change in your goals? What have I done to support that change
- What is the end game? How can I get there? What can I do now to reach my goal?
- Have a life outside of residency.
- Make sure to take time during the week for yourself, family, and friends. Continue or develop new hobbies to distract and give you a break from work.
- Stay up to date on current events, news, etc
- When you go on interviews, many prospective employers will want to know "what else do you do" outside of work. Having enthusiasm about the other things in life, and showing you had a balance during residency (and the organizational skills to do both - work and play) comes off well during this process.
While in residency, think what you want for future a job (just like being a student, thinking about residency choices). This means...
- Intensity of a job (fast paced, laid back; independent or managed)
- Type of residency (office based, hospital based, combo; VA; “well-rounded” or “focused”; large/small group, solo; wound care, nursing home, etc “mandatory” duties; hospital call?)
- Geographic location of a job
- Thoughts about possible fellowship? (Can determine this up to spring of PGY-2, then you must* start applying.
The topics below are things that I found helpful during residency.* Headers are listed in alphabetical order and can be helpful for each PGY resident
Boards: (also look here)
- Organizations for qualification / certification
- Courses
- Goldfarb Foundation Board Review Course (Philadelphia, PA)
- Midwest Podiatry Conference Surgical Board Review (Chicago, IL)
- Stryker Review Course (Chicago, IL - Spring of PGY-3): speak to your local Stryker rep to get you signed-up.
- Boards Related - On-Line
- ABFAS - Downloadable exams provided by the boards.
- Boards by Numbers - Multiple choice board review exams ($$$)
- Board Master - CBPS exams (forefoot and rearfoot) ($$$)
- Board Vitals - Multiple exams for with PODIATRY and other specialties such as medicine, orthopedic, and sports medicine ($$$)
- Board Wizards - CBPS exams and multiple choice question ($$$)
- AAOS - Store of the AAOS containing self-assessment exams, videos, and more ($$$). An example of the 2012 Foot/Ankle Self-Assessment with Answer Book can be found here.
- OrthoBullets - contains Q-bank and Cases for review.
- Textbooks: (Note - no official DPM study textbook exists from my knowledge; below are some that may be of help)
- Resident Education Content
- APMA Residency Education Resource Center - APMA REdRC - (membership required)
- Present Podiatry (membership required)
Conferences to Attend:
- AAFAO - "AAFAO was founded in 2014 for the sole purpose of training podiatric residents in the techniques and skills of skeletal fixation, trauma, and reconstructive surgery of the foot and ankle. We offer training sessions multiple times a year in both comprehensive and advanced classes."
- ACFAS - Annual Scientific Conference
- ACFAS - Skills Courses
- AOFAS - Annual Meeting
- APMA, The National - Annual Scientific Meeting
- DLS (Diabetic Limb Salvage Conference) - Conference
- PRESENT Conferences - includes Desert Foot , Superbones (East/West), Podiatry Residency Education Summit (East/West)
Educational Resources: follow this link for resources on...
> DeHeer P, Adams W, et al. Top 100 Cited Foot and Ankle-Related Articles. JAPMA. 2016; 106(6): 387-397.
> List of articles compiled by Ankle and Foot Care Centers in Ohio (employer of Dr. Lawrence A. DiDomenico, DPM)
> List of articles compiled by ProLab Orthotics (more biomechanics / orthotic based articles)
> Medical Economics - online/print magazine
- Journals to Read (Foot and Ankle)
- Magazines to Read
- Education Online Resources (print/information and video content)
- Recommended Articles to Read
> DeHeer P, Adams W, et al. Top 100 Cited Foot and Ankle-Related Articles. JAPMA. 2016; 106(6): 387-397.
> List of articles compiled by Ankle and Foot Care Centers in Ohio (employer of Dr. Lawrence A. DiDomenico, DPM)
> List of articles compiled by ProLab Orthotics (more biomechanics / orthotic based articles)
- Educational Resources on "residency related items" and things you should be thinking about, such as happenings in the medical community, time management, financial and future planning (disability insurance, investments, etc).
> Medical Economics - online/print magazine
Literature / Research Resources: follow this link for resources on...
- Performing research
- Writing a paper